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Displaced Rainforest Animals Enjoy Basking in the Sun


Less than a century ago, exotic plants and animals struggled for survival in dense rainforests. Now, scientists can learn so much from creatures once off-limits to the world.

Samurai in September


The noble samurai never gets a moment of rest. We salute their hard work by exposing the coolest movies in the genre.

CockBlocker™ Revolutionizes Online Dating


CockBlocker™ cuts through the artifice, getting the real story on Mr. Right.

My New Robot Can’t Fucking Kill Anybody


Disappointment looms over the inability of AIBO to hunt manflesh.

China Disney Celebrates Grand Opening


Mass looting and riots erupted Tuesday in what Chinese officials call their most successful, and only, Western theme park opening ever.

Weekly World News Reporter Resigns Amid Scandal


Another rising star of the journalistic community fell unexpectedly.


Iraqi Information Minister Has “Super Powers”


Peacekeeping forces in Iraq may have to contend with an unlikely weapon of mass destruction.

Police Officers Slay Elderly Negro


NYC lawmakers held a press conference today to honor twelve brave police officers whose raid on an apartment complex caused the death of an elderly black woman.


Pave the Whales!


There's too much attention on saving ugly animals with no reasonable use to mankind.

Fartistic Anatomies


Learn the various inner workings of your own fanny beeps.

Antonio Rosario

The 411 on Nigeria 419


If you can't trust an alleged Nigerian government official, who can you trust?

College Freshman Survival Guide


In just thirteen simple steps, you can get through that first, uncomfortable, pressuring week of college as the lowest of the food chain: a freshman.


Thanks for Nothing, Rigas!


Hey, Rigas! That pitiful 6 a.m. perp walk from your New York high rise drove the Dow up 489 points.

Unsecured Insecurities


A better understanding of Tom Ridge's rainbow terrorism rating game.

Is Your Buddy a Homo?


If you suspect your best friend may be moonlighting his shit-thermos as a meat locker, there are several possible outcomes.

The Official Guide to IRC L4m0rs


Strap on your lame-proof goggles and prepare to dive into the Mental Discharge l4m0rdex.

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