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Sell Me Your Product, Then Promptly Shut the Fuck Up


Corporations seem to think they need to hold my hand and tell me how to live when all I want to do is buy their crap.

Promote an Open Business With Anti-Mandate Entry Signs


Let patrons of your business know they can feel safe inside your establishment from the tyrannical posturing of worthless politicians.


I Think MSNBC Has Turned Me Into a Super Gay Racist


The constant badgering about how horrible I am for simply existing has finally made me change my ways.

The Concord Research Group Racism Measurement Test


Take our specifically formulated and carefully constructed test that analyzes, scores, and rates your level of racism.

Six Silly Sanctimonies of Censorship


Poorly executed attempts at censorship that only serve to promote the continued ignorance of society.

I Had Your Mom Last Night


On a night ordinarily scheduled for Bingo, your mother receives intense sexual bliss and steamy passion she has yearned for nearly a decade.

Is Your Buddy a Homo?


If you suspect your best friend may be moonlighting his shit-thermos as a meat locker, there are several possible outcomes.

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